Yogyakarta Independent School

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International Insight with Spiritual Balance Event

As a school that promotes international mindedness to the students, in a country that recognizes the diversity of and acknowledges individuals' right to develop the religious aspect, YIS held an event for the respective religion entitled "International Insight with Spiritual Balance" or "Berwawasan Internasional dengan Keseimbangan Spiritual”. This event aims to strengthen the students' beliefs and enhance their spiritual attitudes.

Muslim students celebrated "Jumah ukhuwah", which means to have Friday as a special day to promote solidarity and share positive vibes. Buddhist students were introduced to the celebration of Kathina Day, a devotional day to Bhikkhu Sangha. Hindu students created necklaces for the gods and goddesses statues from flowers and read "sloka bhagawadgita". Christian and Catholic students enrolled in "ecumenical worship", which aims to share and celebrate humanity's diversity and unity.

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